You find a sample output from the command below.You can get a free copy of the program, if you fill the the form.
Provided that you have got the program directly from me the author
you can install and use it on one single iSeries 400 (AS/400) to document programs
in any commercial or non-commercial project YOU are working on.
You can allow anyone else working on the same project on the same
iSeries 400 (AS/400) to use it. You can distribute this text only (the description
and my address) to anybody you want if it is not changed. Actually
you are invited to do so. No other distribution is allowed. You
must remove the utility from machines you will no longer have
access to. You are not allowed to sell (alone or as part ofa project)
any output from this utility.
Du forventes senest en måned efter download at returnere en mail med din mening om produktet til forfatteren.
How to get the Document Program Structure (DOCPGMSTR)
command for IBM iSeries 400 (AS/400)
All you have to do is to fill the form.
An example of the output from the command.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PPRSUSRAPP/CPRSOPP Opdatering PRSCLK Check af rækkefølge på lø CSERMBRFIR Benytter firma som member-navn PRSOPP Overfører fra work til permanente files opda GENBIL Tildeling av bilagsnummer HBP2CVT BP2000 - RPG program for add/rmv century & shift HBP2DTS BP2000 - Year shift for test purposes PRSR0A1 PRSRAP Kald af rapporter under opdatering PRSFPB1 Nyberegning af ferieafholdelsespct PRSDATO Beregner datoer/antal dage SYSDAT Date calculations QWCRSVAL SNDPGMMS *Unknown PRSUDA Vedligehold HIST medarb opl PRSRAP/POP PRSR01 Lønartsstatistik åTD pr afdeling