
Reorganize Physical Filemembers (RGZPFMBRS) command til IBM iSeries 400 (AS/400)



  En af pladsslugerne på iSeries 400 (AS/400) som 'GO CLEANUP' ignorerer er slettede records. Ideelt set skulle en applikation naturligvis vedligeholde sine egne filer, men det gør den sjældent. Et eksempel på dette er alle de SNA/HFS-filer som IBM leverer i QUSRSYS. Ud over at optage plads, så forøger slettede records også den tid det tager at behandle en fil med mange slette records sekventielt.

Recepten på at løse dette problem er IBM-kommandoen RGZPFM. Der er dog en ulempe ved denne kommando: Den kan kun behandle eet member ad gangen. Det er relativt nemt at lave et adhoc-program (f.eks. baseret på output fra QRY/SQL af en DSPFD OUTFILE. Men hvorfor ikke lave en kommando til dette, så man tilføje lidt håndtering af fejlsituationer og max tilladelig eksekveringstid. Min RGZPFMBRS er en sådan kommando. Download den gratis.


Unless otherwise specified you can only use the RGZPFMBRS if you have got it directly from me. You can install and use it on one single iSeries 400 (AS/400) in any commercial or non-commercial project YOU are working on. You can allow anyone else working on the same project on the same iSeries 400 (AS/400) to use it. You can distribute this text only (the description and my address) to anybody you want if it is not changed. Actually you are invited to do so. No other distribution is allowed. You must remove the utility from machines you will no longer have access to. You are not allowed to sell (alone or as part of a project) any services from this utility.
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Hvordan bestilles Reorganize Physical Filemembers (RGZPFMBRS) command til IBM iSeries 400 (AS/400)
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Last modified: 20.2.2003.
File name: http://hkrebs.dk/rgzpfmbrs_dk.html